

  • A housing resource for community mental health case management
  • Provides information and education on housing resources within the community
  • Can provide short-term transitional housing support services that are CPST billable
  • Transitional Housing Support Services include assistance with housing applications for subsidized and market units; connection to start up resources such as Community Action Agency (CAA); assistance with landlord interviews; assistance with moving in to new unit; assistance with connection to utilities, lifeline, change of address, etc.
  • Homelink and Primary CPST are expected to communicate on a regular basis through the entire length of service
  • Homelink services are individually tailored and approximately 90 days in length of service
  • Homelink focuses on all aspects of Housing needs


  • Adults who have a severe mental illness and are connected to case management services
  • No income required for participation in Homelink services. Certain housing programs may have income requirements

To make referral, Case Managers contact the Homelink Housing Broker at (513) 354-7216

  • If eligible, Housing Broker will schedule an Intake Appointment with client and Case Manager

Documents needed at Intake include

  • Diagnostic Assessment Form (DAF)
  • Individualized Service Plan (ISP)